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Benefits All over the world, parents bond with their babies through musical sounds and rhythmic movement. They rock and swing their children, put them to sleep with lullabies, make them laugh with nursery rhymes. Parents know instinctively what scientists have now proven: young children thrive on music. It’s one of the best vehicles for learning in early childhood development. Kindermusik takes musical learning to the next level; our curriculum is proven to improve child brain development. And, did we mention it's fun for kids and parents alike?!
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Early Literacy Children gain the phonological processing, spoken language, and comprehension skills that are the foundation of reading. Quantitative They build the spatial-temporal and reasoning skills required for math, science, and engineering.
Social-Emotional They develop social and emotional skills that are essential for school readiness—like the ability to regulate their responses and relate to others in complex ways. Physical By moving and dancing to music and playing simple instruments, children improve their gross and fine motor skills. Creative Activities that encourage freedom within a fun and friendly structure spark children's creativity and provide inspiration.
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